Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy

EMDR - Psychotherapy - Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Vegan TherapY And Coaching

I am a psychological therapist. I have worked in mental health and corporate wellbeing for over 15 years.  I help people in the private sector and within the workplace. How can I help you today?

I believe that in order to take care of ourselves we must nurture our psychological health and wellbeing by giving it as much attention as our physical health.


Miranda Currie

I am passionate about supporting people to grow and develop and to maintain long-term change.

I provide a supportive, safe, and client-focused professional space where we can collaborate to help you overcome your difficulties. As an experienced therapist, I can help you develop the coping strategies that you need to reduce psychological distress. With my support, we can gain insights and make sense of your difficulties. We’ll work together to develop greater emotional resilience to cope with life challenges.

I offer a range of evidenced-based psychotherapies to treat a range of presenting problems such as anxiety-related disorders including OCD, health anxiety, phobias, social anxiety, panic, generalized anxiety and depression.

You can also ask for my expertise to help you with PTSD and Trauma, complex trauma, complex depression, grief, self-esteem, perfectionism, CBT for menopause, CFS, fibromyalgia and pain, physical health conditions, performance anxiety and attachment-related traumas and ADHD of which is one of my areas of special interest.

I also offer support to vegans and animal rights activists who may be experiencing ongoing trauma, burnout and compassion fatigue.

The therapies that I offer are:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies

  • Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing - EMDR.

  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy

  • Coaching to enable anyone to navigate the ups and downs of life by taking specific goal-focused actions to feel more confident and psychologically healthy.

  • Vegan Mentoring/Coaching- To support people who are transitioning to adopting and maintaining a vegan lifestyle.

Further Specialist Support

I am deeply passionate about our natural world and recognize the benefits of nature's connection with our well-being and mental health. I also recognize the importance of non-human animals who we share our planet with. Therefore, I am passionate about animal rights as part of that.

My experience as a vegan, as activist and therapist, has helped me to further understand the impact on others, when they too become more and more aware of how non-human animals are exploited. This can feel very distressing and it can feel both isolating and frustrating, trying to navigate a world where values are often not aligned with actions. I can support you with making sense of what you are feeling, as there will often be a range of strong emotions, such as grief, sadness, horror, guilt, shame, helplessness and anger.

We may adopt different ways of coping with our responses and emotions. This may include taking action to advocate and educate others, but we may also find that we withdraw from friends and family too and may experience difficulties within our interpersonal relationships. We may also want to get more involved in Animal Rights causes too, this might be advocating for Wildlife or Sabbing.

What is important to acknowledge, is that we also have to nurture and take care of our own well-being to reduce burnout, so we can continue to be a voice for animals.

Please get in touch with me if you have any queries or are interested in booking an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you.

Qualifications and training/Accreditation

BABCP - British Association for Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies- Accredited

EMDR Association UK and Europe

IPT-UK - Interpersonal Psychotherapy UK-Accredited

BACP - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy-Accredited

BABCP Level 2 Accredited- MSc/PG Dip Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy- University of Derby

BSc- Therapeutic Counselling- Leeds Beckett University

Advanced Diploma in Integrative/Humanistic Counselling- Doncaster HE Centre

Specialist Training

Specialisms- Trauma Focused Work, Menopause, Persistent Pain, OCD, Health Anxiety, Low Self Esteem and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic and Depression

Adapted CBT for ADHD

Advances in OCD

Animal Advocacy

Nature and Mental Health Connection- Nature Connectedness

CPD and ongoing: ACT Foundations- ACT Training

Flash Technique- EMDR

CCBT- Cognitive Behavioural Couples Therapy for Relationship Distress

CBT- CBT for PTSD and Complex PTSD

ERT- Emotion Regulation Therapy- Third Wave CBT

CBT for Contamination OCD

CBT for Obsessions/Intrusions

CBT for Long Persistent Pain and Long Term Health Conditions

CBT for Managing Menopausal Symptoms-

CBT for Working with Baby Loss/Grief and Childlessness

Schema Therapy - Introduction

RFCT - Rumination-Focused CBT

Creative CBT Methods

CBT for IBS Treatment

Hypno IBS

EMDR for Complex PTSD

EMDR Informed Coaching-Performance

EMDR For Pain